I have always felt an innate sense of gratitude for the positive role models in my life. People that were forward-thinkers, that saw the issues of society and tackled them head-on. The YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament is a program of role models, and of diverse experiences. It’s a special program.

By Kate Crowley, 2018 Youth Member for Aspley

I have always felt an innate sense of gratitude for the positive role models in my life, and the change they brought about within me. From a young age, I was inspired by my grandparents and their kindness in organising coffee groups for the disengaged and marginalised elderly. These groups required nothing more than a willingness to learn from other members of the community to deconstruct oppressive boundaries.  As I got older, I was further inspired by Martin Luther King, who fought to unify society by teaching that all humankind were equal. A similarity that I found admirable in these role models were that they forward thinkers, who identified the needs of society and addressed them.

Even in times of adversity, their call to action remained the same – to create an equal and inclusive society, where people were not judged on basis of their race, religion, creed or disability, but instead on the “content of their character.” Furthermore, these role models taught me that by exposing ourselves to the diversity of humankind, we can learn about the silent struggles of others. Through this learning, we can develop a purpose to grow and unite for change in society.

When I was selected as the Youth Member for Inala in 2017, I felt privileged and excited to continue the legacy of these positive figures, and Queensland Youth Parliament did not let me down. Rather, I have been spoilt for choice, from supportive YMs who act with integrity in everything they do, to Mentors and Parliamentary Officers who display compassion, respect, equality and leadership to maximise the QYP experience. The program promotes real and positive change through unique and authentic role models.

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Parliamentary advocate: Kate (R) with other Youth Members of the 2017 QYP

On many occasions, QYP has enabled me to advocate for a more equal and inclusive society, just as I had been inspired to do so. Through the community engagement program, I have been fortunate enough to meet with members of the Islamic faith and discuss how Queensland can combat islamophobia and support the harmonious integration of Muslims.

I also helped to pass the Youth Reoffenders Youth Act (2017), as a member of the Multiculturalism and Indigenous Affairs Committee. The Youth Act promotes the rehabilitation of youth offenders, by providing them with traineeships in the community, and thus a sense of inclusivity and direction.  Therefore, similar to the role models who influenced me as a younger person, members of QYP positively exploit the concept of diversity. The diverse qualities of all Youth Members not only inspires other members of the program, but promotes a more equal and inclusive society.  

However, QYP is not only an eye-opening experience, where one becomes inspired by the uniqueness and passions of other YMs. QYP is a program that invites all members to challenge their limits, learn good habits and ultimately become a positive role model themselves. Community engagement is just one example of this. By learning in abstract ways, community engagement challenges youth members to make meaning of the diverse issues in their communities and facilitate positive change. QYP also teaches the importance of wellbeing by emphasising the power of the mind, body and spirit and their interconnectedness, through recreational activities.

By supporting positive wellbeing on the individual level, Youth Members are equipped to support the wellbeing of others. QYP allows members to push their limits, learn good habits and ultimately experience continuous growth and learning. As such, YMs are equipped to tackle the needs of their community, and make them a more equal and inclusive place, just as my grandparents and Martin Luther King did.

QYP is a program that thrives on diversity, through diverse experiences, and diverse people. Through opportunities such as community engagement, QYP allows Youth Members to become forward thinkers who regularly identify the needs of society and look to them, even in the face of adversity. This shows the sense of purpose that YMs discover whilst in the program, to grow and unite for change in society.

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Diverse and forward-thinking: the 21st YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament

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